Magic Typing

The other day I was completely fascinated by a session attendee who appeared to be typing into mid-air. From where I was sitting, I could see that she had a wireless Mac keyboard on her lap and was listening and typing attentively WITHOUT A SCREEN! WITHOUT A SCREEN, PEOPLE! I nudged the friend next to me said “should someone tell her she’s missing a bit?” We chuckled and mused over where the signal was going – oh and we took a video which you just have to watch because it looks so magical. Was there a microchip in her head? A holographic screen only she could see?

Eventually I bumped into the magic typist and asked her what she was up to. Turns out, simply enough, she (artist, curator and educator Siochain Hughes) was Bluetooth connecting to her iPhone. She raved about doing this, saying how easy it is to take notes this way while staying focused on the speaker. And she urged me to spread the word. Well, consider the word spread, Siochain – I hope to join you in the magic typing gang soon!

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