Where It All Started…

Back in 1996 I attended my first ever art history lecture at the University of Leeds. I walked into a large lecture theatre where a dazzlingly glamorous woman stood in front of, er, this image, by Linda Benglis. She enthusiastically ushered us in, keen to get started, and, well, nothing has quite been the same since.

An hour later I bumped into a friend studying law and said “You are soooooooooooooooooo on the wrong course. The lecture I’ve just been too? Well, let me just say that EVERYTHING looks different now!”

The lecturer who had made such an impact on me? Griselda Pollock! And she is absolutely the reason I went on to do an MA and a PhD – and trust me, if I could study more I would, I’m an addict I tell you, and it’s all her fault!

OK I admit it, sometimes I do wish I could watch a chick-flick without noticing all the misogynistic undertones, but I’m eternally grateful to Griselda for making me see things so differently, so I was thrilled to run into her here at the CAA the other night. It was a great opportunity to say hello and catch her up on how my career is going.

Oh and if it doesn’t sound too stalker-ish (which clearly it does!), guess what Facebook group I joined first? I Love Grisdelda Pollock, a group set up by some of her current (and apparently equally awe-filled students). And that reminds me, I really should find out what she though of the Social Network…

(I think the photograph might be a little wine-infused but I’m nonetheless grateful to the photographer! ;-)

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